The Hocevar Performance Experience

The smell of rubber from the 250lb and 500lb monster tires overwhelmed me as I walked into the warehouse training facility. The lights hummed while I sat down to take some BCAA (Branch Chained Amino Acids) pills in anticipation for a warrior workout. One by one each of the 6 guys in our night training group walked in as Luka, the fitness/strength & conditioning guru wrote the workout on the whiteboard. In non chalant red letters read, Light day.

( Luka Hocevar is the founder of Hocevar Performance in Renton, WA and is the fitness/strength & conditioning mastermind that has taken the time to guide me and take me under his wing. Big shoutout and thanks to Luka and his cutting edge gym. Check out his website under the links on my page. )

The focus at Hocevar Performance can be specified to each athlete and individual but in general it is a strength and conditioning gym that can turn you into a true beast. The workouts are mainly composed of dynamic, functional, and power movements that have a myriad of benefits. You increase speed, strength, explosiveness and endurance while decreasing body fat, mental fatigue, and recovery time. Below is the workout we did that night which was a light day. (ridiculous!)

Warning: This is the workout we performed with movements that have been practiced. This is only an example to portray some of the strength and conditioning exercises that go on here.

(2X = Each superset is done completley through before next person goes. Ex. Kettle Bell sprawl and clean for 10 reps than next person goes while the other has started spiderman push ups. This is done for 2 sets with the rest time only as long as it takes the next individual to perform the workout. Done back to back with partner with no stopping)
2X - Kettle Bell (KB) sprawl + KB clean X 10 reps
- Spiderman push up X 10 reps

The starting position of the KB Sprawl

The Ending Position of the KB Sprawl

(KB Cleans are performed after the sprawl with an emphasis in using the hips to explode.)

2X - KB Swings X 10 reps each side L/R
- KB Cleans X 10 reps each side L/R
- KB Jerks X 10 reps each side L/R

Because many of you may not be familiar with these KB exercises below are videos of Luka performing these exercises.

KB Swings

KB Cleans

KB Jerks

The final set was for 12 - 15 min of the following exercises. Everyone is going at the same time.

- 5 Handstand pushups (You can use a wall to support you)

- 10 Kip ups (leg kick assisted pull ups or pull ups)

- 5 pistols (single leg squats focusing on the hips and balance)

- 10 Burpees (also known as froggies)

As fatigue is expected during this time there are modified versions of all these exercises when you can't perform the original exercises with good form.

- 5 pike pushups with legs elevated on a bench or wooden box

- (6 -10) regular pullups

- 5 wooden box assisted pistols

- (5-10) Burpees

Handstand Pushup Starting Position

Handstand Pushup Ending Position

All these workouts are done in a high intensity fashion to increase muscular endurance and both slow and fast twitch fiber muscles. Again this was a light day and my Hocevar Peformance experience. More topic focused blog posts from here will be posted in the future, this was just an introduction to the gym and the types of workouts performed.

The Art of the Chest/Back Superset

Does this workout schedule look all too familiar?

Monday - Chest & Tris

Tuesday - Back & Bi's

Wednesday - Maybe legs

Thursday - Shoulders

Friday - Arms

Saturday - Rest

Sunday - Rest

I bet you are shaking your head "of course not!" All I can do is laugh when I hear someone is lifting this way and complaining about not making any more gains . I know this all too well myself because I probably followed this schedule for 4 years of training before I really knew anything. Don't get me wrong I have made gains, hit plateau's, and made more gains but it did take 4 - 5 years to get here. Something I could have probably done in half the time. I have definitley become more smarter on diverse training concepts, so today I want to share and focus on the idea of the Chest and Back superset and a sample training log schedule that fits around it.

It's monday, so I know when I walk into the gym around 5-6pm to get my workout in, the first thing I am going to see is all the ladies on the cardio machines. This is always a welcoming sight. Secondly, I am going to see all the gym rats lifting only chest today, doing the same exercises they have been doing for weeks and months. I am not certified yet so I don't offer any advice to anyone unless they ask me so all I can do is shake my head and sigh. One positive thing is the gym moral becuase everyone loves to get their week started by pumping up that chest.

For me, I shake with anticipation and some fear for the spike in intensity that is about to rudely take over my small gym. My chest days (mondays) are now Chest/Back days. This is what separates me from the rest. By utilizing this superset I am able to hit these large muscle groups twice a week while getting a ridiculous cardiorespiratory ass kicking.

By working antagonist (opposing muscle group) and agonist (prime mover muscle) mucles back to back you develop an increase in the functionality of your nervous system, but also get the opportunity to work stablizing muscles right after you work fast and slow twitch muscles. An, example could be doing a chest press exercise followed immediatley by a back row exercise. Another benefit of incorporating a superset into your workout is the conditioning. By performing to anaerobic exercies back to back your body uses energy from stored energy sources to fuel the work production. Often times it can come from fat stores. So for individuals who hate to do cardio and aren't ready for circuits, try supersets to help you transition into high heart rate demanding exercises.

Sample workout:

Incline DB Chest press - Rope hang Body weight rows

Stability Ball DB chest press - Close grip Lat Pulls

Incline DB flyes - Single arm standing cable rope rows

Pushups - Pull Ups (both performed to fatigue with varying hand positions)

This should definitley spice things up and who likes boring workouts anyways. Learn to push yourself to make those desired gains. Fight through the mental fatigue by focusing on good form, don't push through your rep range if you start to lose your form.

Your week training schedule might look like this.

Monday - Chest/Back

Tuesday - Legs

Wednesday - rest

Thursday - Shoulders/Arms

Friday - Chest/Back

Saturday - Legs

Sunday - rest

Final Thoughts:

I also have just utilized this superset and I am warning you it is not easy especially if you are used to one major body part per day. I suggest slamming some good fuel before your workout to help you get through it. Don't forget the fluids, lots and lots of fluids. Hopefully for this month I will have better and more frequent articles. I am still new to the fitness world but am taking things in long strides.
Currently I am learning an endless amount of techniques incorporating Kettlebells from Luka Hocevar at Hovecar Performance.

Also I am reading a new book by Alwyn Cosgrove who is one of the industries top trainers often sought for opionions by huge fitness moguls like Men's Fitness. All the information I learn and master I hope to share with you all. So for the month of may look for a new articles on topics such as supplementation, fat burning, new techniques, and much much more.

"If you don't know wher you are going, you'll end up some place else" - Yogi Berra

Big A$$ Biceps

The bicep is much more than a pretty beach muscle. Don't get me wrong they do play a part in bringing sexy back but you can benefit more from them than you think. Biceps traditionally come in to play in pulling motions but they are also an important aspect for your elbow joint during high intensity force levels produced by your triceps in pressing motions.

Huh? you ask:
Stronger biceps can help your elbow joint.

So how's your Gun Show?
Many of you reading this have probably been dumbell curling for years without seeing the kind of gains you truly want. Sure, there might have been some definition and a little size but nothing that threatens your t-shirt sleeve size. Some of you, my fellow gym rats, may have already realized that barbell curling is a far more effective bicep exercise for quickly building strength but have ran into a brick wall with "Plateau" spray painted across it. Well, today I am going to give you all a few methods and exercises that will rip some sleeves and bust through brick walls.

Bicep Muscles 101:
Don't worry I won't bore you with all the anatomy and science that goes into a bicep and the bicep curl but I will just mention a key fact on your main bicep muscle, the Biceps Brachii. The biceps brachii is basically split into two heads, the long head and the short head. The short head is medial (closer to the center of the body) and the long head is lateral (closer to the outside of the body). Take note that when your grip is more narrow during those forearm busting barbell curls, there is more isolation in the long head and a more wider grip places a focus on the short head. I will probably write more scientifically focused articles when there are actual people reading my blog. Until then....

Power/Endurance = Bigger Biceps
The following exercises are power and endurance based for the biceps. The average joe with goals of hypertrophy (maximal muscle) might say to himself "I want to get massive, not do this power and endurance crap, look! I'm sweating". Well "Joe" this will not only shock your biceps but give them the horsepower to lift heavier during your mass phases. Also I'm sure you won't mind the way they start to grow. Just think of it as dropping a hemi into your honda civic ex, step your game up "JOE". Superset these if you don't think it's challenging enough.

1.) Incline dumbell curl
- Lay back on an incline bench holding dumbells in each hand. Make sure to grab a weight that you can be explosive with for 6-8 reps. Your rest time will be 10 seconds - 20 seconds. (aim to get down to 10 seconds) Alternate bicep curls explosively! Rest and repeat for 3-4 sets.

6-8 reps, 10-20 sec rest, 3-4 sets

2.) Barbell drop-catch-lift
- This exercise will be the catalyst to your power production and you will be cursing my name at the end of this exercise. The barbell drop-catch-lift is a potentiation movement, a movement that forces the nervous system to work "fast twitch" muscles.
- With a barbell, preferably a fixed weight barbell, start in the up position as if you are the top of your curl. From hear, drop the barbell and catch it at a position where your elbow is bent at a 90 degree angle. Try to keep it going down any lower. After you catch it lift it back to the starting position at the top.

5-6 reps, 10-15 sec rest, 3-4 sets

Bicep variations you need to try NOW!!

1.) Bicep Isometric
Sit down like you are going to do a preacher curl with a barbell. Grab the barbell with one arm in a central location optimal for balancing. Hold at a 90 degree angle. The length of the barbell will force your stabalization mechanisms to kick in and also force the bicep to check in for overtime. Focus on flexing the muscle (visualize what is actually happening to the muscle). Do 4 sets at 20-30 seconds per arm, with 120 sec rest between sets. Start off with a manageable weight and if you make it to the end of the time slowly increase your weight with each set.

20-30 seconds, 120 sec rest, 4 sets

2.) Seated barbell curls
- A great variation to the standing barbell curls. The obvious change is that the seated curl receives no transfer of momentum from a rocking motion correlated with standing. Work on a variation of widths to focus on the different heads of the biceps brachii. This exercise helps you get that peak on your bicep. Really over exaggerate the squeeze at the top of the movement and you will be brushing snow off the top of those mountain tops in no time.

6-8 reps, 20-40 sec rest, 4 sets

3.) 30 seconds of hell
- This is a fun variation that works best with the barbell or E-Z bar curls and is very simple to implement into your training. Even if your that gym rat stuck in his/her way, you can atleast try this once in the next time you work your bi's. After your set of curls don't drop the bar but hold onto it for another 30 seconds. This, despite having your bicep in a lengthened position, keeps stress on the muscle resulting in quicker fatigue. Do on your last 1 or 2 sets.

30 sec, last 1 or 2 sets

4.) 5 down - 1 ups
- I have found a lot of success in strength increases and overall results by experimenting with different speeds. This in nut shell requires your bicep to work twice as hard becuase it is under stress longer. The 5 down - 1 ups are exactly as they sound and can be implemented into basically any bicep workout. On your eccentric (lengthening/downward motion in bicep curls) motion count it to 5 seconds and as soon as it reaches the bottom, explode up to the top in 1 sec. I dare you to use this in your next work out. Double Dogg Dare You!

All these should definitley help pick up the slack in your sluffin bicep game. Good luck on your quest to Big Ass Biceps.

Jump Start your Broken Down Workout with High Charged Complexes

The hammering ticks of the second hand at 2 am accompany my search for a way to kick my training into gear for the month of april. I have finished deloading for March, despite it being a week late, and need a strong start for this month. Many battle this same problem or one that's more common, the infamous plateau. Dunnt Dunnt Dunnnn!!

Ask yourself this:
Have you been doing the same workout routine for months? Have you been lifting the same weight for months? Are you bored? Don't know what to lift when you walk in to the gym? If your answer is yes you might suffer from a case of the plateau (hurts doesn't it?). Regardless of which of these questions you answered yes to, I have an awesome workout to get the f*cking ball rolling. Warning - this is not for the weak and definitley not for "Mr. tough guy" because this will be quick to put you in your place, "bro".

Complexes - "What the heck is a Complex"
To break it down easy, a Complex or "Variation to Javorek's Complexes" is a group of lifts performed consecutively after one another only stopping when all exercises are complete. You perform all lifts with a barbell and it doesn't touch the ground until you have finished all your lifts. This can also be done with dumbells or kettlebells. When designing your Complex be aware and cautious of how many times the barbell is traveling back and forth over your head, try to minimize this, I usually will try to keep it to one (to make the complex harder I will increase it to two but no more). For example if I am doing rows followed by back squats, the bar will travel over my head straight into squats.

Components of a Complex
The complex usually ranges of 6 lifts back to back. Rep range is probably the most important aspect to take under consideration because this is where we customize to meet individual's goals. For melting fat and chest pounding conditioning stay in the 8 rep range. A set is one time through the complex and should be around 3 for these particular goals. If you find yourself doing 8 reps at 6 sets than you don't have enough weight. You should feel like death after 3 sets and be dripping with sweat.

Complex "X"
Row X 8
Clean X 8
Front Squat X 8
Military Press X 8
Back Squat X 8
Good mornings X8

Important - Your rest periods between sets will be longer! This is okay becuase of the amount of physical stress that is put on your body in order for it to make it all the way through the complex. This increased physical stress time length is what will cause your body to change in mass and conditioning in order to adapt. Also remember that you want your rest so that you can perform quality reps at a high performance.

(For goals related to increase in Mass gain and strength as opposed to a mixture of conditioning, try reps of 3 sets with 3-4 sets, with a heavy weight)

Things to consider before you jump

1.) Plan your Complexes ahead of time so you are familiar with all the exercises. (write them down if you have to, there ain't no shame in my game)
2.) Try experimenting with a certain weight before you start for the first time.
3.) Make sure you can do all your exercises with good form
4.) Warm up!
5.) Leave Big ego's at home

Sample complexes from Javorek's Favorites that will change you.
Complex "1"
Power Clean
Military Press
Back squat
Good Mornings
Behind the neck press
Front squat

Complex "2"
Upright row
Clean-grip snatch
Back squat
Behind the neck press
Good mornings

Albert's complexes, if you want it, come get it!
Complex "1"
Front squat
Power clean
Behind the neck press
Back squat
Military press

Complex "2"
Squat jumps
Behind the neck press
Single lunges
Front squat
Power clean

" There's no substitute for guts!" - Paul Bear Bryant

Dress shoes decreasing my strength in squats?

Like a lot of you working Joes, my job requires me to wear a monkey suit and with that comes dress shoes. Most dress shoes are like mine with a raised heel and despite being Ecco's, Cole Haans, or any top of the line shoe they still have a raised heel. (I won't even comment on ladies and their heels in this post.) This is where our squat problem exists.

What is the problem with dress shoes and the raised heel?
The problem with dress shoes and a raised heel is that for the entire time you are standing, which for me is all day, you are busting your butt and working with your ankle in a constant state of plantar flexion. Plantar flexion is the position where your ankle is extended out to a larger angle (Toes pointed out). Dorsiflexion in contrast is when your ankle angle is smaller (Like when your stretching your calf). By leaving your ankle in this position you start to develop a lack of flexibility in your calf muscle and your dorsiflexion becomes restricted. Try pulling your ankle into dorsiflexion now, how easy can you do it, how flexible is it, any problems?

So how does this effect how much I squat?
To effectively squat you need to have good form, flexibilty, and functionality in your kinetic chain and central nervous system. The lack of flexibility in your calf muscles restricts how far down you go in your squat which effects the performance of your form. Many individuals with minimal calf flexibility compensate by turning their toes outward which allows them to squat down further. Although it may seem like a clever way to squat down further, this in turn exercises different muscles and throws off key muscle relationships that are responsible in keeping your kinetic chain functioning effectively. As soon as your start to see your feet turn outwards, stop or your screwed.

A lot of gyms I have been to, I see guys barely squating down with three or four plates loaded on each side screaming like Ronnie Coleman. Most gym rats notice these fools too and choose to take the right approach to squatting and get low. But in this process they realize they can't get low even with a reduction in weight and pride. Some start to externally rotate the feet, others stop squatting. The remedy is simple, calf flexibilty and dorsiflexion.

What do I do?
The remedy is easy to say, the task is easy to do, but still half of you won't do it. When I say half I mean more like 80% of people. Stretch your calves people!!! and focus on dorsiflexion. At my work I have a staircase. So any opportunity I get, I use a stair for static stretching, holding a stretch to lengthen the muscle for 10-30 seconds. By simply stretching you can prevent all kinds of problems and the next time your at the gym squating you won't have to look like a duck with externally rotated feet or take off any of those plates you worked your ass off for.

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