Intro - Muscle & Fitness Highs and Lows program

This is my frist entry despite how much I don't want to start a blog that only I will be reading. If you are reading this, bless your soul and I hope you can get something out of this. I am doing this simply because my career mentor said that it would be beneficial to my future and will help me to write better articles, track progress, and become the best strength and conditioning trainer some day.

Today I will be starting the Muscle and Fitness rep scheme for their High's and Low's Program. This particular rep scheme will be challenging because for the last month I have been aiming to gain size and strength with(setsXreps) 4X6 and 5X5 programs. I will pair Chest and Biceps in order not over train my triceps as many individuals tend to when pairing their Chest days with triceps. Another element that will take it's toll today is in fact a left shoulder injury I am battling and a tender right elbow caused by overtraining the medial triceps also often caused when the muscle becomes stronger than the joint in this tricep over the elbow.

To tackle the tricep injury I am doing more bicep work in order to reverse and equalize the bicep to tricep ratio. Wrestling my shoulder injury has been a little more difficult but I have found that soft tissue work with Active release techniques have been very helpful. Palpating deep into the pectoralis major and upper trapezius have been the most helpful in releasing the bundles of muscle and other junk that have stored from continous lifting.

Anyways the routine calls for Strength and size rep schemes today.
Strength and size (S&S) 6 reps & 12 reps, 5 reps & 10 reps, 4 reps & 8 reps,
Rest 2-3 min, then reverse,
12 reps & 6 reps, 10 reps & 5 reps, 8 reps & 4 reps.

This is done with two different weights, a heavier weight to aid the strength sets of 6,5,4 and a lighter weight to increase muscle size with 12, 10, 8.

Workout today =
Incline fly (3 X 8-12)
Incline Dumbell Press (1X S&S)
Flat Bench Dumbell Press (1 X S&S)
Standing lower pec cable fly (2 X 15)
Preacher curl (3X12)
Standing Barbell curl (1X S&S)
Slow tempo Hammer curls (4 X 6)

Thoughts: I am not used to a high volume workout but am excited to sweat during lifting which I usually will have to superset workouts to keep the heart rate up. The higher volume of reps in 12,10,8 range will definiley provide a good pump and flush the muscles with blood. Hopefully my conditioning is at a point where I can make it through the workout.

"When shit starts to go wrong, take it back to the basics" - House

1 Response to "Intro - Muscle & Fitness Highs and Lows program"

  1. Unknown says:

    Hi, I was wondering if you completed this all 4 weeks and if so how was it??? I just started it 3 days ago and dont wanna wast my time if its no bueno. If you find the time could you email me the results and your thoughts on it at Thanks

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