Hot Yoga Anyone!

I sat in a pool of my own sweat, staring helplessly at my empty water bottle as the instructor announced in her sexy tranquil voice that we were done with the warm up.

The room was at a hellish 98 degrees and what I think was packed over maximum capacity. It had to have been a fire hazard. The only inspiration for me was the fact that there was a 10 to 1 girl to guy ratio. I had to perform some hot yoga, like a bad ass no matter how bad I sucked.

Guys this is a great place to pick up chicks if you have a decent body.

I've been hearing from a lot of female friends about how much they enjoy hot yoga and how challenging it was. Damn! They weren't joking. Not only do the positions require flexibility, the amount of isometric holds we did would make the toughest athletes tap out.

My shoulders burned, my abs ached, and my head pounded from the heat. Why would anyone put themselves through this self induced torture?

I expected sweat but did I expect 7 lbs of water to come off of me, hell no! That's right 7 pounds. I specifically weighed in before and after:

Weight before hot yoga: 181 lbs
Weight post hot yoga: 174 lbs

So who would do this to themselves? Anyone looking to lose weight or what I thought would be a great way for fighters to drop weight while being able to keep your mind on some hot hot yoga girls and not the fact that you haven't eaten anything of solid substance in a week.

It definitley was a tough workout, I mean damn anything in 98 degrees is going to be pretty damn tough.

I will stop complaining ans cut to the chase. This was a pretty damn good workout and a great way to develop some isometric strength and flexibility. For all you looking to check it out here are some pointers I wish someone would have told me in advance instead of having to stop the entire class to grab a towel and water.

1.) Bring water

2.) Bring a big towel and a little towel

3.) Know its going to be roughly an hour long.

4.) Guys, maybe do some pushups before you get in there because there will be a lot of ladies and you will most likely have your shirt off. Don't be the kid who wore his t-shirt in the pool.

5.) See if there is someone you can go with who can help you with everything, so you don't look like a jackass!

6.) Breathe a lot even though the air is going to be really musty..

7.) Bring water

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