The Simple Way to Gain Muscle Mass

                        It’s burned into our male DNA to be bigger, stronger, and faster. It’s a survival mechanism that comes from our cohabitation and existence in the animal kingdom. Whether you work behind a desk or lay concrete, you still have a natural desire to hunt, attract a mate, and survive. Today’s modern society promotes the exact opposite, regressing us from nature’s design as we can see obesity and physical deconditioning rising in our everyday population but for those of you who can still tap into your primitive instincts, let me help you.

                        In this pursuit of becoming bigger and stronger I have come across every program possible. P90x, 2 a day power lifting sessions, and the most popular Bodybuilding workout sessions. The question of “How do I get bigger?” has become more complicated than Tiger Wood’s love affair. Why complicate things when we can keep them really simple and see ridiculous results.

                        There’s a guy out there named Dan John. A supreme strength coach that “get’s it”. I’ve mentioned him in articles before but I can’t stop acknowledging the guy for his complete understanding for strength and conditioning. Also his practice what you preach mentality backs up how Bad Ass he really is, as the first picture that pops up when you google him is one of him dragging a weighted conditioning sled through the Utah snow holding a big sand bag.

                        Dan John breaks it down simple for us in a program that just works. Jack up intensity with simple movements.  Here it is.

First Cluster 2-3-5
Add Weight
Second Cluster 2-3-5
Add Weight
Third Cluster 2-3-5
Add Weight
Fourth Cluster 2-3-5

                        Each Cluster is going to be your group of exercises. For each cluster, pick 3-4 exercises that work a different large muscle group. Legs, Chest, Shoulders, Back, or Arms.

                        Use the first Cluster almost as a warm-up set. So if you are benching, warm up with your usual weight before you get to working sets in the following clusters. You are going to perform all the exercises and reps in each cluster straight through.

            The rest periods get a little tricky to manage here and there is no real set rest schedule. You will notice that as soon as you get done with one exercise, especially with the lower reps you are going to want to perform the next movement right away. This is fine. Make your way through the workout with a consistent intensity.

                        The Hip mobility movement that’s designed in will also give you a break to catch your breath and prepare for the next exercise.

You are going to perform the program in this way:

Sample Workout

Front squat 135 x 2 reps
Bench Press 135 x 2 reps
Hip mobility exercise
Power Curl 135 x 2 reps
Front Squat 135 x 3 reps
Bench Press 135 x 3 reps
Hip Mobility Exercise
Power Curl 135 x 3 reps
Front Squat 135 x 5 reps
Bench Press 135 x 5 reps
Hip Mobility Exercise
Power 135 x 5 reps

Now we add weight

Front Squat 185 x 2 reps
Bench Press 185 x 2 reps
Hip Mobility Exercise
Power Curl 185 x 2 reps
Front Squat 185 x 3 reps
Bench Press 185 x 3 reps
Hip Mobility Exercise
Power Curl 185 x 3 reps
Front Squat 185 x 5 reps
Bench Press 185 x 5 reps
Hip Mobility Exercise
Power Curl 185 x 5 reps

Now we add more weight

Front Squat 205 x 2 reps
Bench Press 205 x 2 reps
Hip Mobility Exercise
Power Curl 205 x 2 reps
Front Squat 205 x 3 reps
Bench Press 205 x 3 reps
Hip Mobility Exercise
Power Curl 205 x 3 reps
Front Squat 205 x 5 reps
Bench Press 205 x 5 reps
Hip Mobility Exercise
Power Curl 205 x 5 reps

Now we add the last extra load

Front Squat 225 x 2 reps
Bench Press 225 x 2 reps
Hip Mobility Exercise
Power Curl 225 x 2 reps
Front Squat 225 x 3 reps
Bench Press 225 x 3 reps
Hip Mobility Exercise
Power Curl 225 x 3 reps
Front Squat 225 x 5 reps
Bench Press 225 x 5 reps
Hip Mobility Exercise
Power Curl 225 x 5 reps

                        We are hitting just under 100 reps total, which is perfect to build power and size. A lot of people have the specific goal of getting bigger but forget to get specific with strength goals. Remember that strength and size come hand in hand.

                        It may seem a little simple and boring but I promise that the load you put onto your body will shock every bit of muscle fiber for growth. Thank you Dan John for giving us this bad ass program to train with. Good luck to you all in your pursuit of improving yourself and gaining muscle mass.


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