Full Body Workout in 15 minutes or less!

                        Your time is valuable! So, why would you waste extra time in the gym? I am going to show you how you can get a great workout in 15 minutes and build a beach ready body in the fall!

                        Last week, I sat down with a client who was really concerned about the upcoming months and being able to train.

“ I have so much on my plate!”

                        She rallied off a to do list that made me literally cringe in disgust. When our lives get busy, who really organizes their schedule to give themselves more time in the gym? Working out usually falls to the bottom of our list of priorities and often times gets bumped off of our to do list. This doesn’t have to happen because time is not a measure of the effectiveness of a workout!

                        After riding out her panic attack, we got down to strategizing a way to fit training into her busy life. The clients that see the most results at my gym workout following a High Intensity Interval Training style that focuses on intensity. This would be our tool in helping her see even more results.

                        So in between dropping kids off, making dinner, and work; we found a 15-minute window for her to get a workout in. She was skeptical at first, (I always love a skeptic) but she soon became a believer!

The Workout
Perform all the exercises in a circuit. Do 10 reps of each exercise and as many sets (times through) as possible in 15 minutes. Rest shortly, when you need to. Resume exercises and keep working until the time is up. As your fitness level increases, increase reps for each exercise.

1. Knee to Elbows

Start in a perfect pushup position with your knuckles aligned with the tops of your shoulders and your body straight. Next drive one knee towards the elbow on the same side, than bring back to start position. Repeat on the next side. Make sure to wait until the foot is back in the starting position before raising the other knee. The count for this exercise is both knees equal one rep.

2. Body Weight Squats

Start with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your body until your thighs are parallel with the floor making sure your knees stay over your ankles and not over your feet. Pause at the bottom, than stand back up.

3. Dive Bombers

Start in a pushup position with your feet slightly wider than hip width and your butt elevated. You should look like an upside down v. Lower the front of your body by bringing your chin close to the floor. Next, bring your hip down to the floor as you raise your head and chin towards the ceiling. Then reverse the movement, back to your starting position. I like to pretend I am going underneath a bar about a foot off the ground.

            As your schedule becomes more hectic and packed with brain busting tasks, don’t let training fall to the bottom of your priorities list. If you tell me you don’t have 15 minutes in your day your lying, but don’t worry I have workouts that you can do in 4 minutes. Email me if you don’t believe me! Good luck!

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