Does this workout schedule look all too familiar?
Monday - Chest & Tris
Tuesday - Back & Bi's
Wednesday - Maybe legs
Thursday - Shoulders
Friday - Arms
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - Rest
I bet you are shaking your head "of course not!" All I can do is laugh when I hear someone is lifting this way and complaining about not making any more gains . I know this all too well myself because I probably followed this schedule for 4 years of training before I really knew anything. Don't get me wrong I have made gains, hit plateau's, and made more gains but it did take 4 - 5 years to get here. Something I could have probably done in half the time. I have definitley become more smarter on diverse training concepts, so today I want to share and focus on the idea of the Chest and Back superset and a sample training log schedule that fits around it.
It's monday, so I know when I walk into the gym around 5-6pm to get my workout in, the first thing I am going to see is all the ladies on the cardio machines. This is always a welcoming sight. Secondly, I am going to see all the gym rats lifting only chest today, doing the same exercises they have been doing for weeks and months. I am not certified yet so I don't offer any advice to anyone unless they ask me so all I can do is shake my head and sigh. One positive thing is the gym moral becuase everyone loves to get their week started by pumping up that chest.
For me, I shake with anticipation and some fear for the spike in intensity that is about to rudely take over my small gym. My chest days (mondays) are now Chest/Back days. This is what separates me from the rest. By utilizing this superset I am able to hit these large muscle groups twice a week while getting a ridiculous cardiorespiratory ass kicking.
By working antagonist (opposing muscle group) and agonist (prime mover muscle) mucles back to back you develop an increase in the functionality of your nervous system, but also get the opportunity to work stablizing muscles right after you work fast and slow twitch muscles. An, example could be doing a chest press exercise followed immediatley by a back row exercise. Another benefit of incorporating a superset into your workout is the conditioning. By performing to anaerobic exercies back to back your body uses energy from stored energy sources to fuel the work production. Often times it can come from fat stores. So for individuals who hate to do cardio and aren't ready for circuits, try supersets to help you transition into high heart rate demanding exercises.
Sample workout:
Incline DB Chest press - Rope hang Body weight rows
Stability Ball DB chest press - Close grip Lat Pulls
Incline DB flyes - Single arm standing cable rope rows
Pushups - Pull Ups (both performed to fatigue with varying hand positions)
This should definitley spice things up and who likes boring workouts anyways. Learn to push yourself to make those desired gains. Fight through the mental fatigue by focusing on good form, don't push through your rep range if you start to lose your form.
Your week training schedule might look like this.
Monday - Chest/Back
Tuesday - Legs
Wednesday - rest
Thursday - Shoulders/Arms
Friday - Chest/Back
Saturday - Legs
Sunday - rest
Final Thoughts:
I also have just utilized this superset and I am warning you it is not easy especially if you are used to one major body part per day. I suggest slamming some good fuel before your workout to help you get through it. Don't forget the fluids, lots and lots of fluids. Hopefully for this month I will have better and more frequent articles. I am still new to the fitness world but am taking things in long strides.
Currently I am learning an endless amount of techniques incorporating Kettlebells from Luka Hocevar at Hovecar Performance.
Also I am reading a new book by Alwyn Cosgrove who is one of the industries top trainers often sought for opionions by huge fitness moguls like Men's Fitness. All the information I learn and master I hope to share with you all. So for the month of may look for a new articles on topics such as supplementation, fat burning, new techniques, and much much more.
"If you don't know wher you are going, you'll end up some place else" - Yogi Berra