The smell of rubber from the 250lb and 500lb monster tires overwhelmed me as I walked into the warehouse training facility. The lights hummed while I sat down to take some BCAA (Branch Chained Amino Acids) pills in anticipation for a warrior workout. One by one each of the 6 guys in our night training group walked in as Luka, the fitness/strength & conditioning guru wrote the workout on the whiteboard. In non chalant red letters read, Light day.
( Luka Hocevar is the founder of Hocevar Performance in Renton, WA and is the fitness/strength & conditioning mastermind that has taken the time to guide me and take me under his wing. Big shoutout and thanks to Luka and his cutting edge gym. Check out his website under the links on my page. )
The focus at Hocevar Performance can be specified to each athlete and individual but in general it is a strength and conditioning gym that can turn you into a true beast. The workouts are mainly composed of dynamic, functional, and power movements that have a myriad of benefits. You increase speed, strength, explosiveness and endurance while decreasing body fat, mental fatigue, and recovery time. Below is the workout we did that night which was a light day. (ridiculous!)
Warning: This is the workout we performed with movements that have been practiced. This is only an example to portray some of the strength and conditioning exercises that go on here.
(2X = Each superset is done completley through before next person goes. Ex. Kettle Bell sprawl and clean for 10 reps than next person goes while the other has started spiderman push ups. This is done for 2 sets with the rest time only as long as it takes the next individual to perform the workout. Done back to back with partner with no stopping)
2X - Kettle Bell (KB) sprawl + KB clean X 10 reps
- Spiderman push up X 10 reps
The starting position of the KB Sprawl
The Ending Position of the KB Sprawl
(KB Cleans are performed after the sprawl with an emphasis in using the hips to explode.)
2X - KB Swings X 10 reps each side L/R
- KB Cleans X 10 reps each side L/R
- KB Jerks X 10 reps each side L/R
Because many of you may not be familiar with these KB exercises below are videos of Luka performing these exercises.
KB Swings
KB Cleans
KB Jerks
The final set was for 12 - 15 min of the following exercises. Everyone is going at the same time.
- 5 Handstand pushups (You can use a wall to support you)
- 10 Kip ups (leg kick assisted pull ups or pull ups)
- 5 pistols (single leg squats focusing on the hips and balance)
- 10 Burpees (also known as froggies)
As fatigue is expected during this time there are modified versions of all these exercises when you can't perform the original exercises with good form.
- 5 pike pushups with legs elevated on a bench or wooden box
- (6 -10) regular pullups
- 5 wooden box assisted pistols
- (5-10) Burpees
Handstand Pushup Starting Position
Handstand Pushup Ending Position
All these workouts are done in a high intensity fashion to increase muscular endurance and both slow and fast twitch fiber muscles. Again this was a light day and my Hocevar Peformance experience. More topic focused blog posts from here will be posted in the future, this was just an introduction to the gym and the types of workouts performed.
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