Burn Body Fat and Get Lean Fast
Hey there, it’s Albert and I hope everything is going good for you… this is the article where I am going to reveal 1 kick ass workout that is going to get your body to burn body fat and get lean fast.
I actually just got done doing some weighted chain pull-ups for max reps in between training two of my favorite small groups. The second group has one of my clients that “love’s” this workout and I think he may have thrown up doing it last time.
Despite his weak stomach he really does train hard but there is one thing that bugs me about him. He has this cousin and his cousin is a douche bag. One thing that gets under my skin is when people put others down for being successful and reaching their goals.
Let’s call my client Zanzabar (sorry I didn’t ask him yet if I could use his real name so I just gave him this sweet ass name) and through hard training, Zanzabar lost about 20 lbs in around 4 weeks earlier this year. Pretty awesome right? His cousin didn’t think so and has been trying to put him down and make him feel inferior to his “Bodybuilding, bench press on Monday, and finish every workout with bicep curls” training style.
After Zanzabar told me about this I got a little crazy and told him that I wanted his cousin to come in for a free training session with me! It’s been 5 months and I am still waiting.
Anyways… On to how to Burn Body Fat and Get Lean Fast
Let me get one point across, your body is amazing in the sense that your muscles will respond to nearly any kind of training as long as it’s challenging and not the same workout you have been doing for the last 3 months.
What is the workout?
It’s called Escalating Density Training or EDT for short. What the workout calls for is performing all the exercises for the set amount of reps as many times through for the set amount of time!
One thing you will notice… This is completely different from what you are used to. Don’t underestimate the simplicity of this workout. Intensity will be the X factor here.
Level 1 Workout
Perform all exercises back to back with no rest for the entire time period.
Time period: 10 min
Pushups x 10 reps
Alternating Reverse Lunges x 10 reps each leg
Inverted Body Weight Row x 10 reps
Prisoner Body Weight Squats x 10 reps
Level 2 Workout
Perform all exercises back to back with no rest for the entire time period.
Time: 15 min
Explosive Pushups x 8 reps
Weighted Alternating Reverse Lunges x 8 reps
Elevated feet Inverted Body Weight Row x 8 reps (feet on a bench)
Prisoner Jump Squats x 8 reps
This workout will get you pushing past your usual comfort level and if you bring the intensity, I guarantee you this will be a fat shredding and lean muscle-building workout. If you are looking to top your workout off with a crazy ab finisher, try this – 2 minute ab finisher.
I know that all of you are going to go out there and crush this workout and I really want to know how it went and how you got through it, post a comment, it really does mean a lot to me. While all of you are out there training to burn body fat and get lean fast I will still be waiting for Zanzabar’s cousin to come in and get his ass kicked.