Straight out of the Lab

The graffiti stained concrete walls inside Hocevar Performance, the “Training Laboratory”, stands 20 something feet tall and slightly intimidating. Training program formulas are scribbled all over whiteboards, the work of the mad scientist, trainer and owner, my mentor Luka Hocevar. The presence of passion can’t be ignored as even the graffiti screams the anonymous artist’s expressive signature style.

Even the cold bricks that makeup the building, permanently wear the gym’s creed. “He who conquers others is strong, but He who conquers himself is stronger.” Regardless of how many times I read it, my heart still drops to trigger goose bumps. It generates a certain aspect of the training experience that many tend to ignore. Some call it the Zone, some may call it therapy or even training atmosphere.

Hocevar Performance is no social gathering unless you consider puking together a bonding experience, actually I take that back, teamwork is an important aspect we emphasize but only after fearless training. This warehouse is the site where a myriad of individuals come to test their limits and then continue to push beyond them only to set new, higher goals. Do we have fun? Hell yeah! What’s more fun then getting results you never thought were possible.

Before I introduce you to a new and “fun” workout we use for conditioning at Hocevar Performance that you too can use in your training, I want to touch base on this so called “Zone”. Take some time to ask yourself:

“Am I really giving it everything, every time I train, to demand and not hope for a physiological response/change?”

“Am I pushing my limits to become better and to improve?”

If the answer is yes. Good. Great. Fantastic!

If the answer is no, maybe it’s time to stop, sit and revaluate what your doing. What are your goals and what happened to that determination? Why go through the motions when you can really challenge yourself both physically and mentally to produce a better you.

I believe Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) has broken out of the brutal cock fight stereotype through the “Zone”. It has evolved into a sport where training becomes a lifestyle and the “Zone” becomes absolutely necessary. Train like a combat fighter, focused on the goal at hand to get better, stronger, faster, more fit. In their case if they aren’t mentally focused and in the “Zone” in both their training and the fight they get there faces smashed in, be lucky this isn’t what happens to you when your not focused on your training.

If you haven’t been working out/training with this mind set, your truly missing out. Your training develops meaning and purpose that in turn ends up fueling your drive.

“If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.”
- Yogi Berra

Now the Workout

Warning: If you like poker, black jack, or even Magic tricks, you may never look at these things the same.

This is straight from the “Laboratory” at Hocevar Performance gym.

Deck of Cards Conditioning

From a deck of cards remove all cards from 1-4, leave the Jokers in them. Next write out exercises for each of the suits. Try to choose exercises that demand full body movements and challenge you.

1.) Hearts – Pull ups
2.) Spades – Pushups
3.) Diamonds – Mountain climbers
4.) Clubs – Lunges

Next pick an even more challenging exercise to assign to the Joker. You should have four in your deck. You can even make the task to double the reps for each of the exercises.

Example: Sprints, Jump squats, Weight work, Kettle bell work, Sled dragging etc.

- The directions are simple. Shuffle the cards and lay them down on the ground. This “activity” is best done with a group of 4 or less, if your alone, you will be in my prayers.

- Pull each card up and do the corresponding exercise the amount of times of the card. Face cards are ten, Ace is 11. So if you pull a 5 of hearts, you will be doing 5 pull ups.

- Remember if you chose Joker to double your reps, your 5 of hearts will turn into 10 pull ups. We usually will say if you pick another joker your rep scheme goes back to normal.

- If your in a group, every individual chooses a separate card and goes until there are none left.

- Repeat up to 3-5 times through the entire deck. Speed is your goal on this exercise so don’t slack off. If your alone, again you will be in my prayers.

Albert’s Advice in Getting through

1.) Music can often abate some of the pain. Some common artists that make an appearnce on our stereo : Linkin Park, DMX, System of a Down, Tupac, Notorious BIG. (I like heavy metal too)

2.) Please eat something an hour or two before you train. Don’t be foolish and go into this on an empty stomach, you just won’t make it. A common thing to see in our training sessions is everyone slamming protein shakes, pre workout concoctions, and gallons on top of gallons of water.

3.) Try training with a group. The adrenaline is contagious and motivation is priceless.

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