No Gym, No Problem

The walkway winds a swirving path up to the cobble stone steps that lay in front of the stained glass door, the familiarity of the sight was warm. The dark green grass of the front yard where a summer's work of slave like weeding was put in stretched all around the house. Going home to my parent's house is always awesome! Great home cooked meals, my old room, and some good ol family time.

I put down my overnight bag in my room, the old poster I had of Muhammad Ali standing victoriously over Sonny Liston in the first minute of the first round was finally starting to fade. It's funny how everytime I look at that poster it still get's me psyched up to train. Not a second sooner I heard my mom screaming for me to come and eat!

I don't know if you know anything about asian culture but here's a little perspective, mother's like you to eat. Eat until your full and then eat some more. Course after course, even desert has 5 courses. So after stuffing my face for an hour or two it dawned on me like a number 2 right in the middle of a Mid term! I am going to have to work off all the fried, breaded, sauced, and most delicious foods. But unlike in high school where I basically had the keys to the local gym and also had an arsenal of weights at home, there was nothing now!

After a quick tv session with my pops, I put on some shorts and laced up the sneakers and walked into our garage. I just want to take some time to really savour this moment.
The long flourescent industrial bulbs buzzed to dimly light the dark concrete floor, one flickered on and off desperatley trying to catch a steady stream of electricity.
An overwhelming smell of gasoline from an army of power tools and motor oil finds it sweet way to my nose. Call me crazy but I have come to love this smell.
This is the type of environment and atmosphere that you thrive in. I remember jumping rope and doing pushups for hours in that garage with nothing but system of a down and my mom yelling at me. It didn't matter that I had a 34.99 per month membership to the social testosterone tank that opened next to popeyes from 6 am to 10 pm, because I got some of the best workouts in my fuc*ing garage.

I knew without weights I would be doing all bodyweight work. No problem, some of the hardest things to do is bodyweight and if you can't do it you probably shouldn't be loading excess weight on you until you can do the "easy" stuff first. Right? Haha (evil laugh)

So this was my Garage Workout:
Warning: This will be hard

Jump rope 15-20 min
I go through this variation to help pass the time:
1.) Left leg 100
2.) Right leg 100
3.) Both leg 100
4.) Alternating 100
5.) High knee 100
6.) Varied your choice 100
7.) Skier 100
8.) Jumping Jack 100
9.) Speed 100

Bodyweight Circuit:
Performed 3-5 sets. I did 5

Pushups 20 (Set 1. wide, Set 2. Narrow, Set 3. Down side to side, )
Exploding Body Weight (BW) Squats 20
Shadow Boxing 2 min
Jumping lunges 10 each leg
V-sits 15
Shadow Boxing 1 min
Burpees 20
Prisoner squats 20
Shadow boxing 3 min


Remember you should be going through each BW exercise with perfect form and full range of motion. Each shadow Boxing session should be done with your feet and position continually moving, not just standing there.

Turn on some heavy music to get you going if your environment looks like the inside of a holiday inn. Or if your in a garage or warehouse or the parking lot outside of work get into the mindset to work even harder.

My workout was hard but very satisfying, it was just what I needed. Yes my mom busted in the garage to see what the heck I was doing, she just told me to turn the music down, typical, and make sure I drink a lot of water. "Thanks Mom!"

1 Response to "No Gym, No Problem"

  1. You are so nice that you have shared so nice and useful tips so that people can do workout like they are doing in gym though they do not have gym.
    gym bags

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