Bad Ass Nutrition

   Along with lifting big ass weight and training your ass off, we all know that eating like a bad ass is more important than anything. Despite how much you lift like a bad ass, if you eat like a junior high girl, your not going to feel or see any changes.

             Most of us all know that lean meats and healthy carps are vital. Chicken, lean beef, turkey, tuna, buffalo, salmon...etc.etc. So in the pursuit of tyring to find the X-factor/Bad Assness in nutrition, I had no choice but to draft #1 overall, this green.

                      Before my childhood was rocked by the super ripped mutant figures of X-men, G.I. Joe's, and WCW/WWF wrestler, there were only cartoons. Most cartoons didn't really portray any abd ass characters, except one man. He beat up the bad guys, was in the military, had tattoos, and got all the chicks. His name was Popeye. Don't you ever forget this OG. (origianal gangster)

             Popeye was everthing a guy could ever want to be. No he didn't drink protein shakes, have pre and post workout supplements, or be obsessed with his diet. All he needed was that one can of spinach. After wolfing it down he turned into an instant Bad ASS. Was this just a gimmick to get kids to eat their greens, Hell no! If you asked the 5 year old Albert to eat some spinach he probably would have told you to go fu*k yourself! But like they say, you learn from your mistakes.

Benefits of Spinach............The Bad ASS Green
  • Spinach posesses 2 compounds that you don't want to live without. Beta-ecdysterone, which has the ability to aid in muscle size and strength. Also this grean leaf contains octacosanol that promotes strength.
  • If your a nutrition label reading freak, nothing wrong with that, let me make it easy for you and break it down. A single 3 ounce serving will contain 20 calories, 2 grams of protein, 3 grams of carbs, 0 grams of fat, and 2 grams of fiber.
  • 3 cups of this super green stuff will contain up to 3 mg of iron. Try eating it with foods higher in content of vitamin c for easier absorption.
  • What do all the supplements out there have in common besides creatine? It is probably a high dose of amino acids and glutamine. Glutamine helps in raising growth hormone levels and increase levels of protein-synthesis, by boosting leucine in muscle tissues. It will in turn decrease muscle breakdown and help keep a healthy immune system.
Are you a pick eater and won't eat greens?

                Stop acting like a child! This stuff is a legal growth hormone and it's good for you. When you are trying to become a real bad ass, you stop eating for taste and start eating for fuel. You need to start eating things that are going to help you train hard, look good, melt fat off your body, and help you get strong. Start eating this stuff RAW! as a salad. By throwing on some chicken, fresh furit, and a light olive oil based dressing, it will go down easy and fuel you up faster than you can say " I need to stop eating like a junior high girl!" - Good Luck!

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