Ladies Say Goodbye to Cottage Cheese!

       It has no sympathy and it's instincts make it ruthless. It will attack anybody regardless of age, body type, skinny, big, tall, blond, and brunette. It doens't care what you look like or what clothes you have on. It preys on the individuals that have been neglecting their nutrition and ignoring exercise. The weak and the vulnerable. It's name is Cottage Cheese.

                          If you have no clue to what I'm talking about, let me be more specific. It is the sight of visible fat that creates a rippling in the epidermis. Another common name for this fat is called cellulite. The name itself runs chills down my spine. Cellulite is excess body fat that gets trapped underneath the top layer of skin. Sexy right?

                         It is nicknamed cottage cheese because the sight resembles the visual texture of the hard to digest but very healthy cheese. Make no mistake, you don't have to be overweight to become a victim of the unsightly misfortune. You can be skinny and still plagued with cottage cheese. This has become such a common theme in many of my clients that I decided to address it to all of you. Don't worry, you are not completley helpless. You can effectively and aggressively fight back.

                        So how do you fight back? It's easier said then done, no doubt about it but it comes down to Nutrition and Exercise. I'm not writing this to mock you with a "tough it out, Chief!" mentality. I understand it's a difficult sight to see, both overwhelming and shocking. So I'm going to give you some aggressive techniques to knock this bastard out and get you back to wearing shorter shorts and smaller bikinis.

1.) Nutrition:
         Don't worry I'm not going to write out a Diet plan that keeps you from eating everything delicious in this world. I am just going to tell you some things to avoid and why.

- Caffeine
- Salty Foods
- Fatty Foods

          All these foods will cause your body to take on excess water. The excess water in turn engorges the cellulite making it appear to become worse, which it will. Start looking for healthy alternatives to your daily diet. Try incorporating these effective ways to destroy excess body fat and increase metabolism.

- Drink lots of water and avoid high sugar drinks such as juice, soda, sports drinks
- Try eating 5-6 smaller protein based meals a day to increase metabolism and regulate hunger
- Avoid carbs late at night, try eating them early in your day to give you more energy
- Shop for ingredients to make meals, not meals or snacks. Stay on the outskirts of the supermarket.

2.) Workout

        For all you ladies who read through the Nutrition info and just told yourself you already new all of that. Good for you. Now try implementing it into your life. Remember fat loss really is 90% nutrition and 10% training. For all you ladies who just skimmed this entire article to get to the workout, I'm a little hurt. (insert sarcastic smart ass smirk here) I'm cool with that.

         There are two ways I target cottage cheese with all my female clients. Weight training and High Intensity Resistance Training. We incorporate weight training to smooth out the skin. By increasing muscle mass, we not only burn fat but make the area more firm with long smooth muscles instead of fat. The nice thing about weight training is we can target the specific area that is effected.

- Cellulite on the back of legs, we target the hamstring
- Cellulite on the butt, we target all the glute and hip flexor muscles

          Next we use High Intesity Resistance Training to tap into the excess stored body fat. This has been to be one of the most effective ways to maximize caloric expenditure. We need to send your body signals that it doesn't need to hold onto all the excess body fat and that we need to get rid of it as soon as possible. The main way we manipulate this process is with increasing the metabolism. Higher intensity work for shorter amounts of time will increase the effects of Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption.  This is basically summed up as the amount of oxygen your body consumes after exercise to return to normal. The process will have a dramatic effect on your metabolism and how your body will repair itself for the next couple of days.

The Workouts:

Workout A - Circuit Training
Perform all exercises before taking a break. Rest 1-2 min then repeat for 2-4 sets.

- Jumping Jacks x 20
- Pushups x 10
- Body Weight Squats x 12-15
- Mountain Climbers x 20
- Front Lunges x 8 ech leg
- Jumping Jacks x 20

Gotta Love Mountain Climbers
A cool variation is to cross the knee across towards the opposite elbow. This will increase core involvement and make the exercise a little more difficult.

Workout B - Tabatta Style Training
Perform each exercise for as many reps as you can in 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds, then perform the next exercise for 40 seconds, and so on until you go all the way through. After the last exercise rest 1 min, repeat 2-4 sets.

- Box or Bench Step ups
- Medicine ball Chest Pass or Pushup
- Running High Knees in place
- Burpees
- Lunges alternating

             Ladies! Now you are equipped with some powerfool tools to combat cottage cheese. Maintain consistency and don't worry, that unsightly cellulite will be gone soon. Take a lesson from men on this one. It's not very common in a lot of guys because they maintain a higher amount of lean muscle mass. We are trying to do the same with you Beautiful women as well. Aim high, Pedal to the Floor, Dream Big and live the Good Life.


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