6 Things Every Guy Should Be Doing

I give a lot of advice to friends on how to workout for their specific goals but no matter what I tell them I always get the same response.

“Okay I will do everything you say but what do you do to workout?”

                        Sure it’s a simple question that I could answer with a sample workout but my answer always catches people by surprise.

 Yeah I do lift weights but strength training is only one tool I have in my bag. Once you start training, you need to have a whole bag full of different tools to help you reach your goals. The more tools the better. Here are 6 tools that I always use from my bag of goods.

1. Running Sprints
            When was the last time you trained anaerobically? Pushed yourself past easy jogging on a treadmill? Well sprints are the most natural form of High Intensity Interval Training. A method that increases natural HGH and testosterone levels in the body, helps increase metabolism, and fights the storage of fat.

                Incorporate sprints into your training to start packing on lean muscle mass and shedding the excess fat on your body. Try this series of sprints with enough recovery time to make each sprint a 100% effort.

5 x 20 yards
4 x 40 yards
3 x 50 yards
2 x 60 yards
1 x 100 yards

2. Consume Protein
            No, protein is not just for gym rats and meatheads. Protein is the building blocks for muscle and a great tool for staying lean. Protein is packed with amino acids and requires your body to work pretty hard to digest. Your body will actually burn about 30% of the protein calories just trying to digest it as opposed to carbohydrates, which is around 10%.

            My protein intake mostly comes from lean meats, eggs, and whey protein. Hard-boiled eggs are always easy to make and take with you for a quick snack. Whey protein is an essential tool I use pre and post workout to aid in quick recovery so that I can train hard the next day.

3. Deadlift
            After hurting my back last year I always avoided this exercise. This was a big mistake. With such a vital tool like this, you need to do whatever it takes to get back to deadlifting. For me, it took drilling really lightweight with perfect form to get comfortable again. But you have to put this one in the bag.

            The deadlift is the ultimate exercise in my toolbox for building muscle and functional strength. The movement requires your body to use every muscle. It utilizes your entire upper body for holding and stabilizing and lower body for lifting. It puts the entire body under tension and promotes muscle-building testosterone.

4. Sleeping 8 hours
               Sleep is really, really, important. This is the time when your body recovers, grows, and makes those changes from your training. So if you are like me who sleeps in the am then rises 5 hours later, you have to tell yourself that 5-6 hours just isn’t enough. Try to get the ideal 8 hours of sleep for maximum recovery. I know I have to work a little harder on this one.

               If you’re like one friend I have now who sleeps for 10 hours a night with no training. Shame on you! Get off your ass.

5. Hitting the Bag
            This is a hobby of mine that I could not live without. Not only is combat engraved into my DNA it is my number 1 method for the release of stress. Hitting a heavy bag for a set number of rounds is a fantastic way to train conditioning.

Try going 5, 2 min rounds with 45-50 seconds of rest in between each round.

6. Crush it!
            If you walk into a gym anywhere in the country, everyone more or less can look like they are working out. Everyone can play the part and go through the motions to impress others and make themselves feel better. The one thing I always bring in my bag of tools for any training session is Intensity!
            Whether it’s lifting weights, cardio, or abs I am trying to go balls to the walls because I know I am there to train. No I’m not a robot or refuse to talk to anyone but just remember what your main priority is when you walk into the gym. If it’s time for me to train that’s exactly what I’m going to do! 

1 Response to "6 Things Every Guy Should Be Doing"

  1. I am totally agree with you that most of all boys should do this six things so that they can stay fit and healthy and attract girls. Mostly girls like the boys that are doing most of all this six things so that they can stay safe and their boys can face any situation.
    gym bags

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