Hurricane Conditioning, Kentucky, Inspiration!

           They say Life can take you anywhere but I would have never thought that it would bring me to Kentucky. How many Asian people do you know in Kentucky? My point exactly.  This last month, I was given the opportunity by my unbelievable mentor Luka Hocevar, to take part in a business trip straight into the South. I would discover amazing like minded people that share my passion in fitness, true chaos hurricane training, and a much needed inspirational kick in the butt.

             The business conference was packed with speakers from 9 am – 5 pm on subjects ranging from strategic business marketing to branding yourself as a celebrity. Information overload was a constant struggle each day but to hear the excitement and passion from each speaker kept me focused. The main idea I got from this trip was passion can take you further in life than any education, amount of money, or will power. Passion dominates all.

            The heat and humidity lingered around every corner like a stalker. It was relentless and merciless. A cool breeze was as rare as a girl that can cook these days. (no offense ladies) But somehow we were able to find a perfect location for a workout.

            We strolled down to the local Louisville YMCA, a 4 story tower filled with swimming pools, weight rooms, and exercise machines. Unaware of the 8pm closing time we walked in at 7:35pm. In a deep southern draw the lady made clear that we needed to be done by 8.

No Problem!

            Luka just wrote an article on The Power of Deadlines and I am now a firm believer. When you have a limited amount of time it is amazing on what you can accomplish. Our workout lasted 20 minutes and the intensity nearly made it a spiritual experience.

20 minute Workout

Warm UP
Barbell Complex 2 rounds Non stop
Oh Squat x 8
Lateral Lunges x 8 each side
Muscle Snatch x 8
Cross over Lunge x 8 each side
Sotts Press x 8

This was all done with no breaks by incorporating supersets.

1a. Clean and Press 4 sets x 5 reps (155lbs)
1b. Pull up variations 4 sets x max reps

Straight into…

2a. 1 arm DB rows 3 sets x 25, 20, 15 reps
2b. Dips 3 sets x max reps

Finisher – Hurricane Training
3 rounds of 3 Body Weight Exercises followed by a sprint after each round/set of work. A total of 9 sprints.

3 rounds – Box Jumps
3 rounds – Pull ups
3 rounds – Spider man Pushups

Check out the a training session clip HERE!

             The intensity was at a maximum level because of our time restraint and there was absolutely no time for breaks. We had a constant reminder of this from the Janitor’s verbal harassment. The facial expression of the on lookers in the gym reassured our insanity and motivated us to go even harder.

            Walking back in the heat was the cherry on top of a complete hurricane training session. A hurricane destroys everything in its path and that is exactly how my lungs and body felt. Demolished!

            Even on a business trip, we can’t get away from what we love to do. Train hard. Being around a conference room packed with individuals who all share a passion for the fitness industry, it’s hard to ignore the contagious epidemic of inspiration. What better way to release this inspirational adrenaline rush than a hard training session! 

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