The Fun Effect: Living Happy, Training Hard, and Loving it!

            I can distinctly remember back to Mrs. Grahams’ 4th grade class sitting in 4 desk pods pretending to be paying attention. First was the pledge of allegiance, than some multiplication tables, and who knows maybe throw in some stuff about planets. The truth was I did two things. Doodle on paper and look forward to recess (sorry mom and dad). Doodling took care of the boredom during class until our teacher got up and opened that glorious door, our portal to an endless supply of fun.

            Every time that door swung open and she said those magical words that still bring chills down my spin “Class, you are excused!”, I would walk calmly to the door (only because running was prohibited in class) and than break out like a wild ass spider monkey once my foot was outside.

            Compare this childhood excitement for physical activity to what you feel like before you go to the gym. Is working out something you dread? Does it feel like a chore? Do you break out like a wild ass spider monkey when you know you are going to go workout? Training and fitness is a choice we make. It is a choice to improve the quality of your life and make things better. It’s needs to be exciting! An important aspect you have to consider is how much fun you are having working out because even though I am not in 4th grade anymore, if it’s not fun, I still won’t do it.

            For me, recess was a smorgasbord of sports and activities. It was filled with things like soccer, basketball, wall ball, and random shit that we would just make up. Yes, think back and remember how creative you used to be. Did you ever play chicken wrestling on the monkey bars? Two kids would start on each end of the monkey bars and move towards each other until they were close enough to wrestle each other with their legs. The loser would fall to the ground, laugh, and get back in line. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, don’t judge me.

            The important thing is that no matter what the activity was, recess was fun and we played our little hearts out. I would come back to class literally dripping with sweat and ruining whatever outfit my mom made me wear. To this day, I can’t even look at a turtleneck without squirming. The point is that when an activity becomes fun, you lose yourself in it. Like the 9-year-old Albert, who searched for glory at recess, you need to search for your ability to have fun in a fit lifestyle.

            Before you go back to the gym or go workout, you need to ask yourself if you are having fun. Are you enjoying each opportunity you have to improve the quality of your life? Challenge yourself, switch your routine, or try an activity that has been on your bucket list. Honestly, the clients at our gym that see the greatest results discover the fun effect. The switch goes off in their head and they realize that facing the challenge is part of the fun and not torture.

            As a trainer, a big aspect of program design with everyday people is considering the question, is the workout fun? If people don’t enjoy it, they won’t do it.

Some ways to make your workout fun

     1.     Time Challenges: Time yourself to see how long it take you to finish a 1mile run or a Body Weight challenge?  Attempt it again in 1 or 2 weeks and try to beat your time.

     2.     Try an activity you have been wanting to do: If hot yoga, mountain biking, or riding horses has been on your mind, stop bullshitting and go do it. Life is short, do what you love. Take this opportunity as a wake up call because if your not careful, 10 years will have gone by with you saying that you have been wanting to try “X”.

     3.     Change up your program: Who likes going into the gym and always doing the same thing. 3 sets of 8 reps of the same damn exercises every week. 45 min walking on the treadmill for cardio, (oh and putting it on incline doesn’t count as enough variation. Heard it probably 768,391 times, or something like that)

     4.     Start training with a partner or in a group setting (read warning prior to taking this step): Training in a group atmosphere can be an amazing experience. The intensity is contagious and will take your performance up another level.  WARNING: Training with a meathead/douche bag or an individual not so serious about training can reverse the effects of a positive experience.  Make sure to pick a group or another individual who can at the very least match your intensity. I repeat stay away from the d-bags and d-baggetes. (Yes girls can be douche bags too)

                        The fun effect can be the catalyst to helping you achieve your results. Diversify your training to include activities you enjoy. Life is short, enjoy every single moment, even working out. I see too many shows dragging obese clients through a gauntlet of humiliating physical activities. Those people do not look like they are enjoying one second of it. Is this the only way to get results? Heeeellllll no! . Take the 9 year old Albert’s enthusiasm and go do something you like, been wanting to do, or just feel good doing and I promise the results will come.           

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