What is All This Worth To You? - How to avoid Gym, Tan, Laundry!

            As a trainer it is important to sit down and pick the brains of potential clients. Why are they training? What goals do they have? What is the motivating factor behind why they came to me? All these are pretty much standard questions that I ask in an initial consultation. Most answers usually start off with I want a six pack, I want to lose 10 pounds because I’m going on vacation in a month, or the most common and vague answer, I just want to get in shape. I love this last one, gives me so much insight into the individual.

                        I will admit sometimes I get so caught up in my client’s progress and being on their team I forget to ask myself the same questions. I was reminded of this today when I met with a new client for a meet and greet. As we got to know each other, I asked one of my go-to questions. What is getting in shape and the results worth to you?

                        I will tell you right now that it’s not easy for me to get lost in a moment (epic movie scenes don’t count) and let my mind start running off into the labyrinth of my imagination, especially during a client consultation but it did. I couldn’t stop it. It just took off like tiger woods making his getaway in the escalade. What, too soon? Don’t worry I love the guy. In the middle of her response, I was asking myself the same thing. What is all this training and fitness worth to me?

                        We trainers often get a bad reputation. It’s not all about the beach muscles, hair gel (I sport a buzz cut by the way), and yelling “1 more rep”. For me, my health/staying fit is worth all the money and hard work in the world. By continually striving to improve, I am practicing what I preach so I can lead by example and help more people. My fitness is going to determine how much energy I have for everyone who believes in me to help them and it’s going to motivate me to work just as hard in the other areas of my life. So I need to be at the top of my game!

                        My mind took off so fast, I was thinking about being healthy in order to offer my unborn kids a father who would have enough energy to always be there for them. This was an instant red flag for me to come back to reality (although it was true). Earth to Albert, what the fu*k are you thinking about these days.

                        As we concluded our assessment and she went home, I was left alone with my thoughts again. I got real philosophical at this point. Life comes at you fast and often times we get caught up in all the bullshit and end up going through the motions like zombies. We lose sight of the purpose and let the passion leak until the engine light comes on.

                        If you’re looking for a fire to be lit under your ass or you’re an individual who relies on hits of motivation to keep you high. Try just stopping everything for 5 minutes to just sit and think. What is this all worth to me? It will either be a punch in the stomach or a pat on your back (gold star for you). Either way I bet you will think back to when you started and get reunited with the things in your life that motivated you to start changing.

                        Fitness is definitely a path with tons of ups and downs. Kind of like a jersey shore episode. In the midst of all the chaos, it is imperative to revaluate your goals and think about what being fit is worth to you. I bet you come to realize that it’s worth a lot more than you thought. Without stopping to think, you may find yourself just going through the motions and repeating Gym, Tan, Laundry. 

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